Apple har nu undskyldt for den FaceTime-fejl, der gjorde det muligt at aflytte andre mennesker. Firmaet lover at gruppeopkald bliver genaktiveret i løbet af ugen, efter at hullet er blevet lappet med en opdatering.
”Vi tager sikkerheden i vores produkter meget alvorligt, og vi er fortsat forpligtet til at gøre os fortjent til den tillid, som Apple-kunderne viser os,” skriver Apple blandt andet.
Apple har krediteret familien til en 14-årig dreng, der hjalp med at finde hullet og rapportere det til Apple, men firmaet har fået høvl for ikke at reagere med det samme. Moderen til den 14-årige fortalte tidligere på ugen til diverse medier, at hun forsøgte at advare Apple om problemet, men at hun aldrig modtog noget svar. Først da historien kom op i medierne, lukkede Apple ned for gruppeopkald i FaceTime.
Her er den fulde udmelding fra Apple på engelsk:
„We have fixed the Group FaceTime security bug on Apple’s servers and we will issue a software update to re-enable the feature for users next week. We thank the Thompson family for reporting the bug. We sincerely apologize to our customers who were affected and all who were concerned about this security issue. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we complete this process.
We want to assure our customers that as soon as our engineering team became aware of the details necessary to reproduce the bug, they quickly disabled Group FaceTime and began work on the fix. We are committed to improving the process by which we receive and escalate these reports, in order to get them to the right people as fast as possible. We take the security of our products extremely seriously and we are committed to continuing to earn the trust Apple customers place in us.‟